Work with Byron

Holos: Whole, Wholeness

Shaman: One Who Sees

HoloShamanic: The Ability To Recognize & Realize Wholeness

Byron offers a unique model of shamanic and transpersonal services called HoloShamanic Integration™ (HSI). These services include methods of counseling, coaching, shamanic healing, education and training that are consistent and aligned with the philosophical orientation and mission of HoloShamanic Strategies, LLC.

Developed by Byron Metcalf, PhD, HoloShamanic Integration™ is a unique and practical integration of shamanic and transpersonal theory and practice, combined with ancient and contemporary music, sound and energy healing methods. The aim of HSI is to support people in fully developing their capacity for soul-based and heart-centered living – liberating oneself to live more fully, freely and completely – and from a larger perspective, contributing to the spiritual healing and maturity of humanity as a whole. HoloShamanic Integration™ operates under the principle that healing happens from within – that you are your own best healer. This gentle, yet deeply transformative approach focuses on making direct contact with the intrinsic wisdom, guidance and healing potential within each individual. The methods and exercises used in all of the HoloShamanic Integration™ services are specifically designed to activate, mobilize and support your “inner healer” and to guide you in developing the capacity to become fully aligned with your own inner healing wisdom in every aspect of your life. In-person HSI sessions utilize a specific system of core methods and exercises that help facilitate the healing and learning process. These primarily include specially developed HoloShamanic variations of journeywork, breathwork, meditation, personal inquiry, energy work, the use of music, sound, and sound healing technologies, soul recovery and shamanic healing rituals. Phone and Signal session involve guided meditation and personal inquiry, breathwork and remote energy work. Emphasis is placed on strategies that support the integration of the session.

Shamanic & Transpersonal Counseling & Coaching

HoloShamanic Counseling evolved from Byron’s 30 years of experience as a transpersonal psychotherapist and shamanic practitioner. In contrast to conventional models of mental health counseling and therapy that focus on pathology and disease, HoloShamanic Counseling is a wholeness and wellness model.

This approach focuses on energies, emotions, thoughts, and historical and archetypal patterns of the personality, etc., which are always addressed within the context of the individual's deepening understanding and integration of their spiritual unfolding according to their own soul’s wisdom and guidance.

HoloShamanic Counseling does not involve the treatment of any specific psychological or behavioral condition and there is no attempt to diagnose, treat, cure, fix, or otherwise therapize the client as currently understood in psychotherapeutic or professional counseling models. Instead, the intrinsic inner-wisdom and the individual soul of the client are supported to develop its own guidance. In the process, exercises and methods are offered to open possibilities that until now have been unconscious or misunderstood. Although benefits such as emotional healing or an enhancement of life circumstances do occur, and sometimes in dramatic fashion, these are considered a natural by-product of the soul’s own wisdom in its unfolding toward spiritual maturity and not the direct effect of a specific method or exercise that Byron may employ.

Counseling sessions are conducted in-person in Byron’s private studio in AZ and via phone/Signal.

Art courtesy of Hemi-Sync®


Although there are no guarantees of what will happen for each individual, commonly reported benefits include:

  • Increased ability to relax deeply and let go 

  • Freedom from fear, worry and anxiety

  • Improved immune system and a reduction of stress related and psychosomatic illnesses

  • Enhanced capacity for intimacy and openness in relationships

  • Increased presence, creativity, mental clarity, focus and attention

  • Freedom from an excessive need for external approval, respect and recognition

  • Self-empowerment, greater confidence in one’s ability to navigate life’s challenges 

  • A sense of basic trust in one’s self-healing capacities                

  • An expanded experience of one’s true self and true nature

  • Spiritual development and maturity

Shamanic Healing Sessions

A private, individual shamanic healing session with Byron utilizes specially developed HoloShamanic variations of journeywork, breathwork, personal inquiry, energy work, and the use of music, sound, and sound healing, brainwave entrainment technologies.  As appropriate, varied aspects of these methods and exercises are incorporated to support each individual client’s level of shamanic and spiritual understanding and development.

During the course of a shamanic healing session, activities in which the client engages are strictly voluntary. The client is invited to experience and use particular methods in their ongoing understanding of themselves. Each person’s uniqueness is respected and supported as it emerges and unfolds towards its full potentiality. There is no attempt to lead or point the client toward any specific perspective, position, or understanding. During this process, the client is supported and encouraged in discovering the truth in whatever is unfolding in their experience. Much of the progress is a function of the client’s intentionality and inspiration. (Contact Byron for a more detailed description of the shamanic healing process, exercises, and methods.)

During a shamanic healing session, It is not uncommon for experiences of soul recovery, and extraction of negative/toxic energies and intrusions to occur. Sometimes these can be spontaneous experiences during a session or can be experienced over an extended time frame. An increased capacity for seeking and receiving knowledge and insights from higher sources (the spirit world) is also quite common and is general seen as a natural outcome of doing this kind of work.

The primary differences in Byron’s shamanic healing approach and traditional shamanic methods are the intention of the client and the methods employed by Byron. For example, in a typical soul retrieval session, as described by Sandra Ingerman and others, the shamanic practitioner will journey on behalf of the client to locate, bring back (retrieve) the lost soul parts of the client. The dramatic effectiveness of this method is well documented. However, Byron approaches the issue of soul loss somewhat differently and uses the term “soul recovery” instead of “soul retrieval” as a way to highlight the differences. In this soul recovery process, the client assumes a much more active role. The client and practitioner work together as a team, utilizing a variety of methods, including journeying, shamanic heart work, personal inquiry, and sound healing to clear away energies and patterns that are blocking the natural return of the client’s missing soul parts or essence. Eventually the soul recovery process is being fully directed by the inner wisdom of the client/student. This results in greater self-empowerment, expanded integration of the soul recovery process, and less dependence on the shamanic practitioner. Although this approach usually requires more than one shamanic healing session, the results are deep and profound and well worth the time and effort.

In-person sessions typically are 1.5 – 2 hours long and are conducted in Byron’s private studio in Prescott Valley, AZ.

Phone and Signal sessions are typically 1 – 1.5 hr long.

The services that Byron Metcalf, Ph.D. provides, including The Shaman's Heart Program, are not intended as a substitute for psychological or medical care. The FDA, AMA, or APA have not validated the potential benefits described above and Byron Metcalf, Ph.D. and HoloShamanic Strategies, LLC make no curative claims. Although the benefits derived from Dr. Metcalf’s services reflect typical client/student reports, such results cannot be guaranteed.

 Byron Metcalf, Ph.D. practices as a transpersonal/shamanic educator and consultant and does not practice under any license such as medical doctor, psychologist or professional counselor. Transpersonal/shamanic education and consulting, and spiritual and shamanic healing practices are not regulated by any Arizona licensing board. Services provided by HoloShamanic Strategies, LLC or Byron Metcalf, Ph.D. are not intended as the practice of clinical psychology, psychotherapy or behavioral health counseling.